Thursday, July 10, 2008

This is my first post.  I am currently still on the Stanford campus and prologue for the CDU/UCLA Medical Education Program begins in 10 days at Cal State L.A....It's been less than a month since I graduated!  In these last days I need to turn in my P.O. Box key, get my mail forwarded, get my health records from Vaden Health Center, pack all my stuff, move to L.A., get my new room key, meet my roommate, upack all my stuff, and make it out to Cal State L.A in addition to another million little things....I had a much easier time leaving high school for Stanford.


Anonymous said...

Cute blog title. Now I can keep up with you even when u move away.

Unknown said...

talk about your awesome room mate.

you need to post up pics too.

MissElaineous said...

For someone who's "chronically tired," you sure do have a lot of time on your hands for explosions of creativity.

Please about your awesome roommate and their sleep habits.