Saturday, August 30, 2008

Where do I start?  I woke up.  Watched some of LSU vs. Appalachian St.  Bought groceries.  Played guitar.  Took some notes from lecture.  Played guitar.  Watched some of USC vs. Virginia.  Ate some frozen pineapples.  My family knows I love frozen pineapples --they're so good!  Then I watched Alabama destroy a preseason top 10 Clemson football team.  Fortunately I'm at UCLA where no one cares about football or else I might be running around crazy with the masses in Atlanta.  God help me if I happen to find people who actually care about football!  I might not ever be able to focus on medical school.  Today has  been such a good day.  Not perfect though.  I am sweating.  My room just gets so hot.  Staying cool has been my hardest challenge so far in medical school.  I gotta do something about this heat right now.


Friday, August 29, 2008

What a day.  I had a meeting at lunch time where students were expressing how stressed out they were and how hard medical school has been.  I feel so out of place because I have near zero stress! Some students were mentioning how much time they were spending on tests.  Their figures were in the multiple hours.  I had to restrain myself from telling them that I get both my tests done in less than 45 minutes at the same time I eat breakfast and listen to music.  I would for sure be the most hated student if I had also mentioned that I bought an electric guitar and amp yesterday.  But oh well, what they don't know can't hurt them.  I'll do some work tonight in addition to playing with my amp blasting throughout all of the Weyburn apartments.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

What a day! First I didn't go to my 11:00am class.  Instead I chose to study for a histology quiz which I aced--(the grade doesn't count btw).  After breezing through my histology class I went and bought an electric guitar.  A Yamaha Pacific 012 and a Line6 15-watt amp!  I keep meaning to spend more time studying, but I keep coming up with more things to occupy my time.  Why do I do this?  So now, I will be jamming out and everyone will hear me due to my room location.  There are great acoustics for sounds from my room to permeate everywhere outside.  Unfortunately I'm not so great on the guitar, or rather, I play the same songs.  I pity the fool who has to walk outside my room.

In any case, I've been MIA from this blog.  I apologize to those who have been suffering from days of boredom without an update of my life.  I will spend more time updating this blog in the next coming days.

Until then, listen to the latest song I am playing.

Friday, August 1, 2008

My TB skin tests were negative.......that's a good thing.  The lady spent two seconds and just said, "oh, nice and negative, is that it?"  That was it.  I walked out.  Yesterday I ate at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles for the first time.  I couldn't finish my waffles or the half-a-stick of butter on top of them.  I also went shopping at the Beverly Center yesterday.  I was surprised to see so many people at the mall in the middle of a Thursday.  All I could think was, "Shouldn't these people be working?"  I saw entire families at the mall!  Maybe they have some servants or something that was working at that time; these families certainly weren't tourists.  So much has happened but I'm too tired to mention them all.  I feel tired now that I bought the new Jawbone 2 bluetooth headset.  It makes me feel like I've been running errands all day and being productive.  *yawn* I might play guitar and go to sleep........sounds like LiftOff in the morning is in call.