Saturday, April 4, 2009

Today has been such a busy day: I've already taken 2 naps!  So far it's been something like this:

1:30am-2:45am --watching lecture on Conventional and Alternative Medicine (CAM), 2 out of 5 stars
2:45am-4:30am--boredom, can't sleep
7:00am-7:30am--first breakfast
9:30am-11:45am--Special Olympics at UCLA, 4 out of 5 stars
11:45am-1:15pm--email, busy work, laughing because it took my instructor less than a day to write my recommendation and send it off
1:15pm-1:45pm--wondering if my instructor wrote a good  recommendation
2:30pm-4:30pm--swimming/semi-drowning for 1st time since last summer, 5 out of 5 stars!
4:45pm-4:50pm--raiding fridge

The rest of my day will likely include another nap, dinner, perhaps some catching up on work, perhaps going out...

Plans for tomorrow:  eat, gym, eat, med school stuff, nap, med school stuff, nap, dinner, call it a day